Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alert to all Libras born between October 9th and October 12th of any year:

For Libras born between 10/9 and 10/12 of any year. This energy has been with you since mid December 2010 and will remain until mid February, 2011 +.

The planet Saturn is now transiting your sign and making a conjunction to your Sun.

Saturn is all about karma and karmic lessons. You are going through an important cycle now which will bring significant life experiences to you.

The planet Saturn indicates a time of teaching specifically for you.  Expect some restrictions and obstacles but, keep in mind, those restrictions have a purpose in your life. Do not try to push through them. And if you find yourself on the precipice of hard-earned opportunities...go for it. This is the time for your karmic reward.

Work hard. Stop when you are forced to stop. Regroup, think things through and learn from any mistakes or obstacles you experience along the way....including illness, colds, flu, etc. Any time you are forced to stop means it's an opportunity for you to think about the karmic lessons you are experiencing. Are you sure you really want this particular goal you're headed toward? Is this challenge really yours or someone else's? Are you going about it in the best way?

And, if you answer "yes" to these questions, then put everything you've got behind this quest. Great growth can come to you through purposeful thinking.

Karmic challenge:  0 -5:  4+

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its Not Out There

     With the announcement last week about Ophiuchus swirling around us, a thought keeps coming to my mind.  It is a perspective I live by and share with others.  “It is not what happens to you, but how you relate to what happens, that creates your experience of it.”
     I have learned a lot after reading Joan’s post and that of my friend, astrologer Samuel F. Reynolds. I have come to understand the relationship between astrologers and astronomers.  I found the history regarding Ophicuchus fascinating, and more than anything, my respect and admiration for astrology came away intact.     
     “It is not what happens to you, but how you relate to what happens, that creates your experience of it.  What does this statement mean?  In Let Go & Live Institute we say “its not out there”.  This is meant as an encouragement to turn inward into our inner world of thoughts and feelings.  Most people get caught up in the outer world of situations.  The erroneous news of a possible 13th sign was very upsetting to many people.  Turning inward towards our thoughts and feelings helps us to realize that the choice of how we can relate to situations that challenge our world, as we know it is inside of us.  The solution, and peace of mind, is not found in the situation.
      There has been a great deal of fear and uncertainty swirling around this situation.  The more we understand what is happening, by educating ourselves on the matter, helps us manage our fear.  I was in the audience listening to Elizabeth Lesser the Co-Founder of Omega Institute, speaking about fear.  She said the first thing she does when she is fearful is learn about the situation, get the facts so to speak.  It calms her, and then she can take that turn inward. 
     Reading about what the astrological community of experts think, like Joan and Sam and the facts they are sharing, helps us to let go of fear, find our seat and go within.  There we can process the uncertainty and very real threat to our identity that has been mirrored in this disturbing news .
     How do we realize that we do have a choice to work with challenges and create life affirming new habits to deal with them?  When things are challenging we take a deep breath and simply ask the question “what do I have to learn from this”.  Taking a step back and asking this question gives a direct message to the universe.  We are telling the universe (and ourselves) that we are willing to open to “what is” by observing the situation and decoding the message we are receiving.  In quantum physics it is understood that observation changes reality.  Being with “what is” and learning to watch and witness, allows us to observe the challenge we are facing “out there”.  Asking this question opens the door.  What is behind this door?  Freedom, abundance and clarity, and just what Sam wrote, “you are still whatever you thought you were”.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Monday, January 17, 2011

Psychic Development Webinar

My dear friend and colleague, Sandy Anastisi, has just introduced her new Psychic Development Webinar. I've known and worked with Sandy for over thirty years. She is a magnificent teacher. In fact, she was John Edwards, the gifted psychic's teacher!

If anyone is interested in learning how to develop their own psychic skills, I highly recommend Sandy's webinar.

~Joan Kilgen

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ophiuchus is not the new 13th Sign! 

Although, zodiac signs have been added throughout the centuries. For example, the sign of Libra was added as a bridge between Virgo and Scorpio.

For a long time, Ophiuchus has been looked at as a possible new sign but we have found it's really an added "character" in the story of Scorpio rather than a separate sign.

But, who knows, maybe there will be a 13th sign one day. Just not Ophiuchus and not at this time.

~Joan Kilgen


In reality, the positions of the stars in our sky have moved, ever so slowly, since astrology was initially documented thousands of years ago. This is called the Precession of the Equinoxes and the astrological system (Sidereal Zodiac), used predominately in Asian cultures, does use this system. Those of the western cultures use the Tropical Zodiac.

The difference is that Siderealists calculate the exact positions of the stars at the moment of a child's birth while the Tropicalists use the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring, as the beginning of Aries. Each sign is made up of 30 degrees with Taurus to Pisces following in order. Using the Tropical Zodiac as we do here, no one's sun sign has changed.

Both of these Zodiac systems are valuable tools for self discovery. Many Sidereal-based astrologers claim there is no free will because they have plotted their charts based on the sky's movement (precession). Tropical-based astrologers also use the sky as it exactly appears in the sky at a child's birth, the basic difference being they use the date of the Vernal Equinox to begin the sign of Aries.

It's through Sidereal calculations that we track the astrological Ages....the Age of Pisces and now the Age of Aquarius. Each of these Ages lasts approximately 2,160 years. I will write more about these Ages in a later post. 

So, feel comforted that you do not have to sell off your astrology jewelry. Your sun sign has not changed.

Why the headlines?  This debate comes up every decade or so. Some astronomers are not happy with astrology, especially as it is linked with astronomy. All astrological readings are based on the science of astronomy in order to erect a chart. Every now and then an astronomer brings up the difference between Sidereal and Tropical Zodiac in order to confuse the general public and attempt to debunk astrology. It's like the remnants of a broken marriage. In the beginning, astrologers were also astronomers until they feuded themselves into separation. Astronomy is a science. Astrology is a science and an art.

- Joan Kilgen

Vesta Astrological Counseling

Welcome to Vesta's new blog created by Joan Kilgen (astrologer/writer) and Elizabeth Botta Brandes (interfaith minister/spiritual counselor)

This first edition is being launched earlier than expected in order to respond to some recent headline news about a 13th zodiac sign and everyone's sun sign being changed. We intend to add more creatvity to this site in the near future.