Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote Of The Week

"You get a choice.
Do you want to be in the drivers seat?
Steering your personal change,
or do you want things to get to a boiling point
where there is a crisis?"
~ Shiva Rea


Friday, March 18, 2011

Going Within: The Journey Begins

Why Meditate?  I never really asked myself this question.  Somehow I just knew meditation was one of my goals in life.  Meditation is an elusive spiritual goal, with a tricky path to follow.  The path of meditation is not one we walk on with our feet touching the ground.  We locate this path of meditation by taking the journey of going within.

The twists and turns down this inner path has to do with our thinking, our inner dialogue.  Just what are we thinking?  When we ask this question, the process of meditation has begun.  This series on meditation is a journey within for all of us to take together.

There is another question we need to ask ourselves.  Are we thinking life affirming thoughts that encourage us and fill our lives with inspiration?  I know my thoughts aren't always supporting me in this way.  My inner critic has taken me on a very twisted path for most of my life.  I have learned to listen to this inner critic and extend kindness to myself the listener.  I have come to realize that I do not have to believe these thoughts.  I have a choice on how my inner dialogue unfolds.  Remembering the phrase "as a man thinks so he becomes" I feel grounded knowing that I am actively participating in creating my reality.

It is a courageous step to take a deep breath and take the turn within, to watch how our inner dialogue unfolds.  We embark on this work of listening and watching our thoughts with and open heart and a sense of curiosity.  We become brave explores in our own undiscovered world with a new understanding that we can change our thoughts and change our world.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Can We Help?

Everyone is watching as one of the world's worst natural disasters unfold before our eyes.  The tragedy has become complicated by man-made forces now beyond our control.  The only thing that could be more disastrous is if our fellow human beings were oblivious to one another's suffering.  I trust deep in my heart that our collective energy can make a difference.

It's easy to watch our news channels.  No matter what is unfolding in Japan or anywhere else in the world, focusing on the negative will not help anyone.  I have been talking to many people who are feeling fearful and powerless.  Most people are feeling uncertain as to how they can help.  First we must help ourselves.  How are we feeling about the events that are happening?   I have studied EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and have found it extremely helpful not only for people I counsel but for myself as well.

In EFT they stress that we can only give out what we feel inside.  If we are anxious, stressed and worried, that is what we will pass along.  It will begin to seep into our lives and effect the world around us.  If we can still feel peace and love in a crisis that is when we become leaders and make a difference.  Our emotions have a greater impact on the world then we could ever imagine.  We can replace our fear with love...loving and caring for ourselves.  How can we do this?  The following are affirmations to repeat which will help us to center and make a choice in the way we want to feel.  In EFT, which is a form a psychological acupressure, we also tap on certain body points.  Just saying the affirmations without the tapping will also bring a shift in our consciousness.  You may want to consider learning the points at another time.

Start by taking 3 deep breaths...

Repeat the following phrases (you can read them from a sheet of paper)...

Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love on me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe

Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace on me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe

Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light on me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe

Place your hand on your heart and take a deep breath in and out...

Remember that we have a decision to make everyday.  We can either choose to be hypnotized by the fear in the news or take the knowledge of these events to inspire us.  Making a choice to be inspired helps us to create positive changes in our lives and in the world around us.

May all those who survive the quake and its aftermath have speedy recoveries.  May they be brave and resilient, and be strong in overcoming the demise of their loved ones.

May all sentient beings be free from suffering.  May all beings be well and happy.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Friday, March 11, 2011


The Supermoon occurs when our moon is not only in perigee (close to our earth) but also in its full phase. We will be experiencing this on March 19th. In fact, this supermoon is even closer to earth than usual. This means we will be seeing an extraordinarily large moon on that night. It also means that tides will be high, moods will be large and our local ERs will be full.

Several notable astrologers, psychics and metaphysicians have also been predicting a speeding up of life and events on earth along with severe natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunumis, volcanoes and hurricanes. It is believed that the initiation of these events began on March 9th with the 11th and 19th being significant trigger dates. (The earthquake and tsunami on March 11th occurred in Japan and effected many other areas including the USA.)

Some scientists are debunking any significance of the Supermoon on the 19th. They're saying the moon will not have any great effect on the tides nor increase the waters of the ocean enough to trigger an earthquake. (Of course, astrologers have long recognized the power of the moon on us emotionally, and on our mother earth.)

Perhaps Japan's earthquake and tsunami on the 10th-11th is a product of the energy many are expecting for the 19th.

I believe these natural disasters are here to shake us by the shoulders and remind us that we are vulnerable. It's imperative that we get our acts together especially concerning our karmic lessons.

It's time for us to seek out the moral high ground. We must make every effort to come from a place of love, positive thought and our highest integrity. We must take good care of our mother earth, our neighbors, our loved ones and even those who we may perceive as our enemies.  Just watching how an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean can effect Japan, Hawaii, California and even Florida shows us how much an action in one part of our world will send reprecussions to everyone.

I suggest we use March 19th as a night to celebrate the grandeur of the Supermoon by sending energy of peace and love to our fellow beings and our mother earth. Our world is unsettled now and our planet is turbulent and some of us may be feeling powerless to do anything about it. Some people are just sitting back waiting for disaster to befall them. This is our opportunity to put our positive thoughts into action. There is more power in love and kindness than fatalism. We will always have rumors of doomesday. When the moon looks so big, it scares people and they think it's the end of the world. Perhaps it's the cosmic universe reminding us of all the love that's in and around us. Our Valentine in the sky.

~Joan Kilgen

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quote Of The Week

"Don't ask what the world needs. 
Ask what makes you come alive and go and do it. 
Because what the world needs are people who have come alive."

~ Howard Thurman, theologian,
educator, and civil rights leader