Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Going Within: Why Meditate?

Elizabeth Lesser writes in "Broken Open" that people are attracted to meditation for a variety of reasons, including these:

  • To relax, physically and mentally
  • To keep the heart open and soft
  • To accept life on its own terms
  • To feel more alive, connected and content
  • To find inner peace
  • To make contact with other realms of consciousness

So just what is meditation?  Here is the Medical Dictionary's definition: Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth.

Everything in our lives creates stress.  Even wonderful events create stress.  The original definition of stress is by Hans Selye who coined the term, as it is presently used, "the non-specific response of the body to any demand".  This includes mental, emotional and physical demands.

The Mayo Clinic is now suggesting that an effective way to deal with stress besides getting good quality sleep and doing yoga is to meditate.  Mediation can improve your heart health, stave off premature aging and help us to be more calm and focused.  There are now many research studies showing this.  Here are a few of the latest.

A study published in Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society reported that after 8 weeks of mindfulness classes that included meditation and stretching exercises their severe hot flashes and quality of life improved.

Massachusetts General Hospital study using MRI scans found that people who meditate cortices in the brain where much thicker (a sign of neuronal growth) than those who did not meditate.  This was a very positive finding showing that meditation may slow down age-related cognitive decline.  The study leader Sara Lazar, PhD. explained "meditation exercises the same part of the brain used for memory and attention, so regular practice is thought to keep it sharp, flexible, and active".

Researchers at Benson Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine also at Massachusetts General and the Genomic Center at Beth Israel Deaconess medical Center have found that attaining a deep state of rest know as the "relaxation response" is capable of changing how genes behave in response to stress.  Dr. Jeffrey Dusek, a co-lead author of the study at Benson-Henry Institute, and now with Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, remarks that, "the relaxation-response-associated changes were the opposite of stress-associated changes," and were much more pronounced in long term practitioners.

The relaxation response involves a form of mental focusing.  Dr. Henry Benson, one of the first Western doctors to conduct research on the effects of meditation, developed this approach after observing the profound health benefits of a state of bodily calm he called the "relaxation response".  He taught patients to focus upon the repetition of a word, a sound, prayer or phrase for 10-20 minutes a day.  Patients were also taught to pay attention to distracting thoughts and to return their focus to the original repetition.

Meditation can be difficult.  When we make the choice to "Go Within" for certain we will find a travel mate on the journey, our thinking mind.  How we relate to this travel mate is the key to finding our own "relaxation response".  While meditation hones some of our better qualities, it also holds up a mirror to some of our worst.  We do it to see ourselves clearly, to love ourselves warts and all, as Elizabeth Lesser says.  To crack through the hard crust of the personality until the gem of the Self is revealed.

"Going Within" is a continuing series.  Next post will discuss the different types of mediation.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Karmic Lessons of Gemini

The Karmic Lessons of Gemini

- To educate yourself through schooling and life experiences
- To communicate with integrity
- To develop your socializing skills
- To complete goals
- To get in touch with your feelings

Are Geminis Schizophrenic?

Geminis are delightful souls. They are child-like with their wonderment of life and fun and learning. They are inquisitive and adaptable. If a Gemini travels to England, she/he may return with an British accent. Their curiosity allows them to mimic people and blend into many different personas.

Geminis are not schizophrenic! Any more so, percentage-wise, than any other Sign.  But, if you expect them to be tomorrow as they were today, you may be bewildered by their ability to adapt and incorporate themselves into their surroundings. They are able to fit into many different kinds of groups. They are wonderfully adaptable.

Geminis are here on earth to learn and experience as much as they can and then share their experiences with others.  I see them as butterflies (flutter-byes) who fleetingly partake of the flower's nectar (knowledge) and bring that nectar to another flower. A Gemini is constantly learning and sharing, without need for copy writes or accolades. If you are a Gemini, please learn as much from life as you are able. Go to school, take classes, read books, travel, join with groups who can show you something, communicate with others. You have a wonderful mind.

You must communicate with integrity. You have a tendency to learn a lot but not always become an expert. Not to say you can't become an expert in the field of your choice, but you will also accumulate much data that is superficial. If someone asks you to substantiate your facts or go deeper into the subject, your karmic responsibility is to admit you don't know any more than you've introduced and that you will get back to them with the answer to their question. Do not feel you have to always know everything.

It's so easy for the Gemini to mimic others that they may have difficulty establishing and maintaining their own identity. This is where people around them see then slip from "personality to personality". Gemini's are easily influenced by others around them. If you have a sun or moon in Gemini, your karmic lesson is to establish your own personality, likes and dislikes, goals and opinions aside from those of your friends and family. This is not always easy for the Gemini.

Geminis are sociable beings. They need to be around other people, groups, dance or singing lessons, etc.  If you have a child with a sun or moon in Gemini, get them involved in groups and outside stimulation as soon as you can. They love music and dancing. Geminis are delightful, sociable beings. They are born full of merriment and curiosity.

Now Geminis often have difficulty completing goals. Their natural temperament is to think things out through many different directions. Hum, maybe I could try this way or maybe I should look in this direction...  They are so bright and inquisitive that they may have difficulty locking in on a goal and solution. Their karmic lesson is to learn how to focus and stop vacillating.

Some Geminis can get lost in their heads, their intellectual reasoning. You know Geminis, life's answers can not always be found in mathematical equations or tangible reasoning. Your karmic lesson is to learn your own truths, to acknowledge and trust your feelings.

I believe Geminis are extremely important in our evolution. Gemini is the inquisitive child in our culture who dares to question authority and works hard to bring back the answers. Whatever would we do with our Geminis? There would be no humor, no parties, no inquisitiveness, no absorption of other cultures or ideas. Can you imagine a world without curiosity and an open heart? Life without the wisdom of a child?

The Gemini slogan is: Hey, guess what I just learned?

~Joan Kilgen

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quote Of The Week

"What lies behind us and
what lies before us
is nothing compared to
what lies within us."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 29, 2011


Each sun sign has its own, individual karmic lessons.  If you were born under the sign of Taurus, your karmic lessons involve:

- Dealing with materialism
- Learning to adapt to change
- Stubborness vs. determination
- Laziness vs. ambition
- Dependability in relationships

Dealing with materialism:
All of us are dealing with money and possessions while we are living on earth. Earth is a materialistic plane.  Some folks try to convince us that spirituality and materialism are incompatable. In order to reach a higher spiritual plane we must denounce everything material. But then, why are we, spiritual beings, living on this material earth?  Most of us have to make a living, pay our bills and take responsibility for the way we handle our money and possessions.

This is especially true for the Taurus. Therefore, those born under the Taurus sun sign will come upon times in their lives when they will be tested in this area.

Some Taurians are afraid of being poor or being without "things", so they will accumlate as much money and possessions as they can. They will start collecting things as investments, they won't throw things out (they may need it someday), they will save money, string, jars, toys, salt and pepper shakers, etc. I call this Materialistic Constipation.  Other Taurians spend all their money in an effort to feel weathy and surround themselves with the power of possessions.

The Taurian's karmic lesson is not about how much money or possessions they accumulate in their life. Their lessons involve integrity, honesty and maintaining a balance between their need for materialism and all other aspects of their life.  They are usually good with money and numbers so they may make good bankers, bookkeepers, accountants, mathematicians. Because of this talent, people will easily trust the Taurus with their money and business matters.

So, their honesty and integrity will be tested periodically.  If the clerk in the check-out counter gives and Taurus too much change, it is his/her karmic responsibility to give it back. It's not a matter of law or morality, it's a matter of karma. If the Taurus holds onto their money or possessions too tightly, it is their karmic responsibility to share their abundance.  Suzie Orman once gave an example of this on the Oprah Show. She pointed out that when you are holding on tightly to your materialism, you are keeping a closed-fist. If you are giving freely of your materialism, your hand is open, palm up.  When your fist is closed, not only are you holding on to what you own, you are unable to receive anything from others.  When your hand is open, as when you are giving to others,  you are also able to receive.

Taurus is a fixed sign.
This means that the Taurus does not adjust well to change. Of course he/she will experience change in life as we all do but it is harder for them and we need to be understanding of that. Because they can also get stubborn and dig their heels in, it is because they are threatened by the change not because they wish to be difficult.

Dependabilty in relationships.
Taurus is ruled by venus which is the planet of love. When a Taurus falls in love, they fall in love with  expectations of forever. They are dependable and loving and kind.  When the Taurus' relationship ends, it is very difficult for them to simply move on.  But, if you looking for a long-term relationship, a Taurus is best for you.

Taurus is known as the nurturer. This sign loves to commune with nature and nuture the garden. They keep the weeds out of the garden, water the crop, protect animal life.  This is the sustainer. Sustainers are not known for taking the initiative or seeking change. They sit and patiently wait for growth to bloom. Taurus' is good for showing up for jobs on time, doing the same kind of work everyday without boredom and not being overly ambitious.  Some people mistake this wonderful nurturer as lazy because they happily maintain the status quo. It is true, sometimes they do need a bit of a push to move forward but this is also because they are not motivated to initiate change.

The Taurus can be very stubborn and set in their ways. Therefore, one of their karmic lessons is to learn how to flow with life and not feel they have to be in control of their environment at all times. Compromise is the key  their karmic success.

Taurus slogan:  Steady goes the race.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote Of The Week

"You get a choice.
Do you want to be in the drivers seat?
Steering your personal change,
or do you want things to get to a boiling point
where there is a crisis?"
~ Shiva Rea


Friday, March 18, 2011

Going Within: The Journey Begins

Why Meditate?  I never really asked myself this question.  Somehow I just knew meditation was one of my goals in life.  Meditation is an elusive spiritual goal, with a tricky path to follow.  The path of meditation is not one we walk on with our feet touching the ground.  We locate this path of meditation by taking the journey of going within.

The twists and turns down this inner path has to do with our thinking, our inner dialogue.  Just what are we thinking?  When we ask this question, the process of meditation has begun.  This series on meditation is a journey within for all of us to take together.

There is another question we need to ask ourselves.  Are we thinking life affirming thoughts that encourage us and fill our lives with inspiration?  I know my thoughts aren't always supporting me in this way.  My inner critic has taken me on a very twisted path for most of my life.  I have learned to listen to this inner critic and extend kindness to myself the listener.  I have come to realize that I do not have to believe these thoughts.  I have a choice on how my inner dialogue unfolds.  Remembering the phrase "as a man thinks so he becomes" I feel grounded knowing that I am actively participating in creating my reality.

It is a courageous step to take a deep breath and take the turn within, to watch how our inner dialogue unfolds.  We embark on this work of listening and watching our thoughts with and open heart and a sense of curiosity.  We become brave explores in our own undiscovered world with a new understanding that we can change our thoughts and change our world.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Can We Help?

Everyone is watching as one of the world's worst natural disasters unfold before our eyes.  The tragedy has become complicated by man-made forces now beyond our control.  The only thing that could be more disastrous is if our fellow human beings were oblivious to one another's suffering.  I trust deep in my heart that our collective energy can make a difference.

It's easy to watch our news channels.  No matter what is unfolding in Japan or anywhere else in the world, focusing on the negative will not help anyone.  I have been talking to many people who are feeling fearful and powerless.  Most people are feeling uncertain as to how they can help.  First we must help ourselves.  How are we feeling about the events that are happening?   I have studied EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and have found it extremely helpful not only for people I counsel but for myself as well.

In EFT they stress that we can only give out what we feel inside.  If we are anxious, stressed and worried, that is what we will pass along.  It will begin to seep into our lives and effect the world around us.  If we can still feel peace and love in a crisis that is when we become leaders and make a difference.  Our emotions have a greater impact on the world then we could ever imagine.  We can replace our fear with love...loving and caring for ourselves.  How can we do this?  The following are affirmations to repeat which will help us to center and make a choice in the way we want to feel.  In EFT, which is a form a psychological acupressure, we also tap on certain body points.  Just saying the affirmations without the tapping will also bring a shift in our consciousness.  You may want to consider learning the points at another time.

Start by taking 3 deep breaths...

Repeat the following phrases (you can read them from a sheet of paper)...

Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love on me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe

Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace on me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe

Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light on me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe

Place your hand on your heart and take a deep breath in and out...

Remember that we have a decision to make everyday.  We can either choose to be hypnotized by the fear in the news or take the knowledge of these events to inspire us.  Making a choice to be inspired helps us to create positive changes in our lives and in the world around us.

May all those who survive the quake and its aftermath have speedy recoveries.  May they be brave and resilient, and be strong in overcoming the demise of their loved ones.

May all sentient beings be free from suffering.  May all beings be well and happy.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Friday, March 11, 2011


The Supermoon occurs when our moon is not only in perigee (close to our earth) but also in its full phase. We will be experiencing this on March 19th. In fact, this supermoon is even closer to earth than usual. This means we will be seeing an extraordinarily large moon on that night. It also means that tides will be high, moods will be large and our local ERs will be full.

Several notable astrologers, psychics and metaphysicians have also been predicting a speeding up of life and events on earth along with severe natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunumis, volcanoes and hurricanes. It is believed that the initiation of these events began on March 9th with the 11th and 19th being significant trigger dates. (The earthquake and tsunami on March 11th occurred in Japan and effected many other areas including the USA.)

Some scientists are debunking any significance of the Supermoon on the 19th. They're saying the moon will not have any great effect on the tides nor increase the waters of the ocean enough to trigger an earthquake. (Of course, astrologers have long recognized the power of the moon on us emotionally, and on our mother earth.)

Perhaps Japan's earthquake and tsunami on the 10th-11th is a product of the energy many are expecting for the 19th.

I believe these natural disasters are here to shake us by the shoulders and remind us that we are vulnerable. It's imperative that we get our acts together especially concerning our karmic lessons.

It's time for us to seek out the moral high ground. We must make every effort to come from a place of love, positive thought and our highest integrity. We must take good care of our mother earth, our neighbors, our loved ones and even those who we may perceive as our enemies.  Just watching how an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean can effect Japan, Hawaii, California and even Florida shows us how much an action in one part of our world will send reprecussions to everyone.

I suggest we use March 19th as a night to celebrate the grandeur of the Supermoon by sending energy of peace and love to our fellow beings and our mother earth. Our world is unsettled now and our planet is turbulent and some of us may be feeling powerless to do anything about it. Some people are just sitting back waiting for disaster to befall them. This is our opportunity to put our positive thoughts into action. There is more power in love and kindness than fatalism. We will always have rumors of doomesday. When the moon looks so big, it scares people and they think it's the end of the world. Perhaps it's the cosmic universe reminding us of all the love that's in and around us. Our Valentine in the sky.

~Joan Kilgen

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quote Of The Week

"Don't ask what the world needs. 
Ask what makes you come alive and go and do it. 
Because what the world needs are people who have come alive."

~ Howard Thurman, theologian,
educator, and civil rights leader

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quote Of The Week

Mindfulness is deliberately paying attention,
being fully aware of what is happening
both inside yourself - in your body,
heart, and mind - and outside yourself,
in your environment.
Mindfulness is awareness without
judgment or criticism.

Jan Chozen Bays, MD
Mindful Eating
A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy
and Joyful Relationship with Food

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Meditation is one of the greatest Arts in Life, perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from someone else.  That is the beauty of it.  It has no technique and therefore no authority.  When you open up to learn about yourself -  observe yourself, watch the way you walk, how you eat, what you say, the gossip, the hate the jealousy.  If you are aware of all that is within yourself, without any judgement, you have achieved an essential level of your meditation practice.  Meditation can take place any where -  when you are sitting in a bus, walking, washing dishes, sitting in a yoga position or looking into the face of a friend.

Meditation is to find out whether the brain, with all its activities, all its experiences can be absolutely quiet.  Not forced, because the moment you force there is duality.  The person who thinks, "I would like to have a marvelous experience, therefore I must force my brain to be quiet", will experience difficulty.  It is as you begin to inquire, observe, listen to all the movements of thought, its conditioning, its pursuits, its fears, its pleasures and watch how the brain operates, that you will feel the brain quiet.  That state of quietness is not sleep. In fact, it is tremendously active, a large dynamo that is working perfectly yet hardly making a sound. Its only when there is friction that there is noise.

Meditation is a state of mind that observes everything with complete attention, not just parts of it.  When you give total attention there is complete silence.

If you deliberately take an attitude, a posture, in order to meditate, then it becomes a plaything, a toy of the mind.  If you determine to extricate yourself from the confusion and misery of life, then it becomes an experience of imagination and this also is not meditation.

In meditation, it is not the organism that one must begin with, but rather the mind with its opinions, prejudices and self-interest that must be seen to.

It is far more important to understand yourself - the constant changing of the facts about yourself - than to meditate in order to find God or have visions, sensations and forms of entertainment.

Meditation is not concentration, which is an exclusion, a cutting off, a resistance - and so, a conflict.  To have no resistance, to have no barriers towards anything, to be completely free of all minor urges, compulsions and demands with all their little conflicts and hypocrisies, is to truly know Life.

Meditation is hard work.
It demands the highest form of discipline,

J. Krishnamurti

 Going Within begins a series on the art of meditation.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes ~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quote Of The week

There's no need to make
things happen; only to be
present when they do.

June Graham Spencer
Co-Founder of the Let Go & Live Institute

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quote Of The Week

The greatest gift we
can give to someone is our
complete attention.

June Graham Spencer
Co-Founder of the Let Go and Live Institute

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Book Shelf

Food plays such a major role in our growth; body, mind and spirit.

I have just finished reading a book that has enlightened me on many issues surrounding our "western diet" and the effects it has on all of us.

In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michale Pollan

Here's to a nation that digests its food well!

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Thursday, February 3, 2011


For all Capricorns born between 12/26 - 12/30 of any given year:

Pluto is conjunct your sun from January through August of 2011. You can expect many changes in your life this year. Pluto is a planet (yes, astrologers still respect Pluto as a planet) of great transition. Therefore you will be experiencing major transition in your life. You may think the transition or change is sudden or unexpected but I've found these changes were waiting there to happen but you ignored the signals or were afraid of looking at them.

It's like a volcano with a village built around it. The villagers look up at the volcanic mountain everyday but don't pay much attention to it. It's always there, harmless. They know there's great turbulence going on inside and sometimes they even hear some rumblings and watch a few boulders tumble down but when they wake the next day, it seems to have settled down so they continue to ignore it. Until one day it erupts.

When Pluto conjuncts your sun, you may experience a major eruption in your life but, if you are honest with yourself, you've expected or suspected this may happen for a long time. Sometimes these events are difficult even life changing. I've seen people totally change their careers, loose their money, re-invent themselves,  become ill, get divorced, even experience the death of someone around them.

Pay attention to the undercurrent of feelings you've been experiencing for a long time. (the volcano). Do you dislike your career and want to change? Have you been worrying about your investment portfolio and wondering if you should look into it? Have you felt your life path does not represent who you really are now? Have you been feeling some complaints in your body but haven't gone to a doctor? Do you feel your partner is not happy but you're afraid to ask? Are you watching someone around you not take good care of him/herself?

Pay attention to these warning signals. Pluto is letting you know where you need to (or will) experience transition in your life this year. Don't keep your head buried in the sand. Pluto is a fearless investigator. Begin to investigate these troublesome areas of your life.  Take action to redirect your life path, go to the doctor for a complete physical, ask your partner if he/she has a problem with the relationship.

Pluto is all about power. You have tremendous power around you now to make wonderful, transforming changes in your life! Be aware that when you ask the questions you have been afraid to ask for a long time, you must be prepared to accept any changes that come to you with the answers. Pluto is fearless and you can be fearless now too. Take control of your life. Make your life truly yours!  Areas of your life will be changing now. Choose the changes you want!

And then also keep in mind another Pluto message. Sometimes you need to simply trust the universe. Don't waste all your energy trying to hold on to something or someone when it's really in your best interest for this to leave your life. If you are struggling to stay in control and only exhausting yourself...perhaps now is the time for you to simply let go and let the powers of the universe pick you up and take you where you need to be. 

This is a time of great opportunity for you. Change may be scary at times but it's also the best way for you to grow.

Some of my clients may already know this story. I've repeated it many times in my readings. But it's a clear example of Pluto-power.

I was watching TV years ago and there was footage of a group of people in a raft enjoying the thrill of riding down rapid waters. Their friends were filming it from the shore. All of a sudden the raft flipped over and the adventurers all fell into the white water. One by one they surfaced and held on to the overturned raft. Suddenly, one woman let go and was carried down about 100 yards where she popped up again and grabbed onto a tree branch. The friends on shore ran to her and pulled her ashore. The other boaters saw what happened and they also let go of the raft and were all safely pulled ashore....except one woman who continued to hold on. Now, all the people on shore were begging her to let go but she refused. Her fear wouldn't allow her to let go of what she felt was her power until finally she became so exhausted, her hands slipped from the raft and she too was successfully pulled ashore.  Of course, me being a zany astrologer, I kept yelling at the TV screen..."Let go. It's a Pluto transition. Trust the waves of the Universe." (My children still refuse to watch television with me and that was over twenty years ago).

Take charge or your life. Decide for yourself what you want out of your life at this time. Investigate anything you feel needs to be looked at. Know that even if things don't seem to be turning out the way you planned them, this transition is beneficial to you. And, don't be afraid to trust the powers even greater than yourself.  Pluto is on shore ready to pick you up from any troubling waters.

~Joan Kilgen

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Book Shelf

So many of my clients, including myself, suffer from fibromyalgia. A thoughtful client of mine, Marie, sent me a copy of a great book which I'd like to share with you.

Fibromyalgia: Up Close and Personal  by Mark Pellegrino, MD ( who also suffers from it)

This book is so easy to read and understand.  I call it: Fibromyalgia for Dummies!!!
Dr. Pellegrino answers all of our questions and calms many of our fears.

I highly recommend it.  Thank you Marie.

~Joan Kilgen

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alert to all Libras born between October 9th and October 12th of any year:

For Libras born between 10/9 and 10/12 of any year. This energy has been with you since mid December 2010 and will remain until mid February, 2011 +.

The planet Saturn is now transiting your sign and making a conjunction to your Sun.

Saturn is all about karma and karmic lessons. You are going through an important cycle now which will bring significant life experiences to you.

The planet Saturn indicates a time of teaching specifically for you.  Expect some restrictions and obstacles but, keep in mind, those restrictions have a purpose in your life. Do not try to push through them. And if you find yourself on the precipice of hard-earned opportunities...go for it. This is the time for your karmic reward.

Work hard. Stop when you are forced to stop. Regroup, think things through and learn from any mistakes or obstacles you experience along the way....including illness, colds, flu, etc. Any time you are forced to stop means it's an opportunity for you to think about the karmic lessons you are experiencing. Are you sure you really want this particular goal you're headed toward? Is this challenge really yours or someone else's? Are you going about it in the best way?

And, if you answer "yes" to these questions, then put everything you've got behind this quest. Great growth can come to you through purposeful thinking.

Karmic challenge:  0 -5:  4+

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its Not Out There

     With the announcement last week about Ophiuchus swirling around us, a thought keeps coming to my mind.  It is a perspective I live by and share with others.  “It is not what happens to you, but how you relate to what happens, that creates your experience of it.”
     I have learned a lot after reading Joan’s post and that of my friend, astrologer Samuel F. Reynolds. I have come to understand the relationship between astrologers and astronomers.  I found the history regarding Ophicuchus fascinating, and more than anything, my respect and admiration for astrology came away intact.     
     “It is not what happens to you, but how you relate to what happens, that creates your experience of it.  What does this statement mean?  In Let Go & Live Institute we say “its not out there”.  This is meant as an encouragement to turn inward into our inner world of thoughts and feelings.  Most people get caught up in the outer world of situations.  The erroneous news of a possible 13th sign was very upsetting to many people.  Turning inward towards our thoughts and feelings helps us to realize that the choice of how we can relate to situations that challenge our world, as we know it is inside of us.  The solution, and peace of mind, is not found in the situation.
      There has been a great deal of fear and uncertainty swirling around this situation.  The more we understand what is happening, by educating ourselves on the matter, helps us manage our fear.  I was in the audience listening to Elizabeth Lesser the Co-Founder of Omega Institute, speaking about fear.  She said the first thing she does when she is fearful is learn about the situation, get the facts so to speak.  It calms her, and then she can take that turn inward. 
     Reading about what the astrological community of experts think, like Joan and Sam and the facts they are sharing, helps us to let go of fear, find our seat and go within.  There we can process the uncertainty and very real threat to our identity that has been mirrored in this disturbing news .
     How do we realize that we do have a choice to work with challenges and create life affirming new habits to deal with them?  When things are challenging we take a deep breath and simply ask the question “what do I have to learn from this”.  Taking a step back and asking this question gives a direct message to the universe.  We are telling the universe (and ourselves) that we are willing to open to “what is” by observing the situation and decoding the message we are receiving.  In quantum physics it is understood that observation changes reality.  Being with “what is” and learning to watch and witness, allows us to observe the challenge we are facing “out there”.  Asking this question opens the door.  What is behind this door?  Freedom, abundance and clarity, and just what Sam wrote, “you are still whatever you thought you were”.

~ Elizabeth Botta Brandes

Monday, January 17, 2011

Psychic Development Webinar

My dear friend and colleague, Sandy Anastisi, has just introduced her new Psychic Development Webinar. I've known and worked with Sandy for over thirty years. She is a magnificent teacher. In fact, she was John Edwards, the gifted psychic's teacher!

If anyone is interested in learning how to develop their own psychic skills, I highly recommend Sandy's webinar.

~Joan Kilgen

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ophiuchus is not the new 13th Sign! 

Although, zodiac signs have been added throughout the centuries. For example, the sign of Libra was added as a bridge between Virgo and Scorpio.

For a long time, Ophiuchus has been looked at as a possible new sign but we have found it's really an added "character" in the story of Scorpio rather than a separate sign.

But, who knows, maybe there will be a 13th sign one day. Just not Ophiuchus and not at this time.

~Joan Kilgen


In reality, the positions of the stars in our sky have moved, ever so slowly, since astrology was initially documented thousands of years ago. This is called the Precession of the Equinoxes and the astrological system (Sidereal Zodiac), used predominately in Asian cultures, does use this system. Those of the western cultures use the Tropical Zodiac.

The difference is that Siderealists calculate the exact positions of the stars at the moment of a child's birth while the Tropicalists use the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring, as the beginning of Aries. Each sign is made up of 30 degrees with Taurus to Pisces following in order. Using the Tropical Zodiac as we do here, no one's sun sign has changed.

Both of these Zodiac systems are valuable tools for self discovery. Many Sidereal-based astrologers claim there is no free will because they have plotted their charts based on the sky's movement (precession). Tropical-based astrologers also use the sky as it exactly appears in the sky at a child's birth, the basic difference being they use the date of the Vernal Equinox to begin the sign of Aries.

It's through Sidereal calculations that we track the astrological Ages....the Age of Pisces and now the Age of Aquarius. Each of these Ages lasts approximately 2,160 years. I will write more about these Ages in a later post. 

So, feel comforted that you do not have to sell off your astrology jewelry. Your sun sign has not changed.

Why the headlines?  This debate comes up every decade or so. Some astronomers are not happy with astrology, especially as it is linked with astronomy. All astrological readings are based on the science of astronomy in order to erect a chart. Every now and then an astronomer brings up the difference between Sidereal and Tropical Zodiac in order to confuse the general public and attempt to debunk astrology. It's like the remnants of a broken marriage. In the beginning, astrologers were also astronomers until they feuded themselves into separation. Astronomy is a science. Astrology is a science and an art.

- Joan Kilgen

Vesta Astrological Counseling

Welcome to Vesta's new blog created by Joan Kilgen (astrologer/writer) and Elizabeth Botta Brandes (interfaith minister/spiritual counselor)

This first edition is being launched earlier than expected in order to respond to some recent headline news about a 13th zodiac sign and everyone's sun sign being changed. We intend to add more creatvity to this site in the near future.